Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
After Thanksgiving Day Hike. Old Stone Fort Archaeological Park. Manchester. 4 miles rated moderate because of steep sections and eroded trails. Joint hike with Highland Rim Chapter. Join us for our annual family friendly after Thanksgiving Day hike. We will hike the Forks of the River Trail, Backbone Ridge Loop Trail and the Moat Trail. We’ll see Blue Hole Falls, Big Falls, and Step Falls. Our hike will be along the Duck River and the Little Duck River. Pack a picnic lunch to eat at a picnic table in the park after the hike. Meet in front of the museum at 9:00 am CT. Bring lunch and water. For carpool information from Murfreesboro or to register, contact Sara Pollard at 615-714-3610 or
(615) 714-3610