Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Nashville Chapter Meeting, REI Community Room, 261 Franklin Rd, Brentwood, TN. 6 P.M. Mary Priestly, editor of the new book, The Essential Mark Pritchard, Writings of a Conservation Hero, will give a talk at our April meeting. Mack was Tennessee’s most passionate and articulate advocate for preservation of natural and cultural resources, including helping to found Tennessee Trails. Celebrated as the “Conservation Conscience of Tennessee” by state senate decree, Mack was officially designated Tennessee’s State Park Naturalist Emeritus upon his retirement from a storied half-century career with the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation. In this collection of his writings, Mack commends, advises, and preaches. He salutes those he admires, admonishes those with whom he disagrees, and is bitter in defeat. This book offers insight into this complex and driven man. Most of all, it is an inspiration, a call to action for all who love the land. Make plans to attend this meeting and join us for dinner at Jason’s Deli, next door to REI at 5:00 PM for supper.