Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Saturday, August 10 — Signal Point to Edwards Point, Signal Mountain TN, 6 miles, in & out, 900’ el. gain, moderately strenuous due to lots of rocks. We’ll be hiking in shade and checking out great views of the Tennessee river gorge. Check the weather forecast within a day of the hike, as earlier forecasts often change dramatically. Wear hiking shoes or boots; bring snacks and/or lunch along with more water than you think you need; use insect repellent; gather up hiking poles, sunscreen, and rain jacket as needed. Meet at 7:30 ET at Food City on Signal Mountain Road. Register with the hike leader (necessary to receive cancellation notices, etc.): Tammy Hendrick at 315-949-8187. Carpool cost: $1.00.
(315) 949-8187