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Rocky Ridge Trail


September 28 @ 8:30 am 5:00 pm

Saturday, September 28 — Rocky Face Ridge Trail, near Dalton GA. SHORTER HIKE: up the ridge on switchbacks, then along the ridge to Buzzard’s Roost, out-and-back, about 6 miles, moderate, el. gain less than 1,000’. LONGER HIKE: loop trail including Buzzard’s Roost, 11 miles, moderately strenuous, el. gain 1,318’. Rocky Face Ridge Park is an almost new 1,000-acre park with the cleanest restrooms in the entire Southeast! There are even several small and attractive wooden buildings in the woods that house toilets. You could spend all your time absorbing the ambience in these places. If, however, you are more inclined to see a spectacular view of Dalton and its mountainous environs, you need only stroll up and along the ridge to its highest point. Here at Buzzard’s Roost, you will see Fort Mountain towering to your east, Lookout Mountain on the horizon to your north, and Kennesaw Mountain off in the distance to the south. Almost directly below you to the west is a very loud I-75, which runs parallel to the ridge, which indeed has a rocky face. You may also feel ghostly vibes from the 54,500 Confederate troops who were entrenched atop Rocky Face in May of 1864, facing off General Sherman’s army coming from Chattanooga. To Confederate General Johnston’s chagrin, Sherman sensibly swung his army west around Rocky Face and proceeded south toward Resaca. The bloody battle around Resaca was an omen of things to come. With his larger army, Sherman eventually outflanked Johnston, who had to retreat further south… and south…and south. In the present day, our longer-hike hikers will sensibly skip the rocky face and instead head north and then around to and down the gentler eastern slope to get back to the parking lot. Check the hourly weather forecast within a day of the hike, as earlier forecasts can change dramatically. Choose appropriate layers; wear hiking shoes or boots; bring snacks and/or lunch along with more water than you think you need; use insect repellent in season; gather up hiking poles, sunscreen, and rain jacket as needed. For carpooling/caravanning, meet at 8:30 am ET at Wendy’s, 6727 Ringgold Rd., left (east) off I-75 Exit 1. Register with the hike leader (required for all Scenic City hikes): Betsy Darken, (423) 718-2060.

Betsy Darken

423 718 2060

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