April 9
10:00 am
2:00 pm
Wednesday April 9th, 10 AM. Cumberland River Bicentennial Greenway, Ashland City. 4 miles. Out and back on level, paved trail. Dogs welcome. Should be a good wildflower hike. Meet at the Marks Creek Hill/Chapmansboro Road trailhead, 120 Chapmansboro Rd. (Left turn just after crossing a little bridge over Marks Creek on Hwy 12 on north side of Ashland
City: drive only about 200 yards on Chapmansboro, then turn right into the trailhead parking lot. If you want to carpool or caravan, meet at 9 am at Glenbrook Kroger, 1010 Glenbrook Way, Hendersonville,
Lunch afterwards at Riverview Restaurant, 110 Old River Rd., Ashland City. Contact John at 925-759-0517 or Donna at 925-759-0518 if you plan to meet us at the trailhead or have other questions.