Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Tuesday, April 22 — Buzzard’s Roost, Rocky Face Ridge Park near Dalton GA, around 5.5 miles, 600’-700’ el. gain, moderate. This is an almost brand-new park in fine condition. We will take a trail that leads to a spectacular view in all directions at the top of the ridge. The many switchbacks on the way up this ridge make for a relatively easy ascent. We can look down on I-75 as it heads into Dalton, then hear about the Confederates trying to stop General Sherman at this very ridge as Sherman launched his March to the Sea in 1864.
Check the weather forecast within a day of the hike, as earlier forecasts can change dramatically. Choose appropriate layers; wear hiking shoes or boots; bring snacks and/or lunch along with more water than you think you need; use insect repellent, hiking poles, sunscreen, and rain jacket as needed.
For carpooling/caravanning, meet at 8:30 am ET at Wendy’s, 6727 Ringgold Rd., left (east) off I-75 Exit 1.Register with the leader (required for all Scenic City hikes): Dave Graham, (423) 315-7886. Carpool: $2.00.
(423) 315-7886