Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Saturday, June 29 — Hall Road section of the Cumberland Trail, Signal Mountain TN, out-and-back, about 8 miles, maybe 800-1,000’ elevation gain, moderate to strenuous due to distance and elevation gain; or a second option of turning back around the 3-mile mark, for a 6-mile hike. This section is complete but not yet listed on the CTC website, so the elevation change is just a guess. The trail at Hall Road starts off downhill into the North Chickamauga Creek gorge, then follows the creek for about 4 miles to an old road crossing. Here we will stop to eat and then head back. The forested trail is typical of the Cumberland Trail, with roots, rocks, and possibly a few blow downs to negotiate. The creek is a beautiful whitewater stream with waterfalls on side streams that are quite photogenic (assuming there is water). Check the weather forecast within a day of the hike, as earlier forecasts can change dramatically. Choose appropriate layers; wear hiking shoes or boots; bring snacks and/or lunch along with more water than you think you need (it’s summer!); gather up sunscreen and insect repellent (essential), hiking poles and rain jacket as needed. For carpooling/caravanning, meet at 7:30 am ET at Food City on Signal Mountain Road, in the near back corner of the parking lot. Please register with hike leader Betsy Darken, (423) 718-2060, and include which option you prefer. Carpool cost $1.00.
423 718 2060