Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Joint hike with Upper Cumberland Chapter. Hike is 5 miles total rated moderate to strenuous. Meet hike leader, Sheila, at the Cove Deli & Market 15454 Hwy 70 N, Monterey, TN. We’ll eat lunch at the Long Road Cafe in Mayland. Depart 8:00 am CDST from the outer parking lot of Harbor Freight, 145 Highland Square, Crossville, TN. Carpool cost is $3. Bring hiking poles, snacks, (electrolytes) water, bug spray and sunscreen. Sturdy hiking boots are recommended. Persons 18 and over, members and non-members welcome. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Led by Cove resident Sheila Miller, 931-260-6065