Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Joint hike with Upper Cumberland Chapter. Long Hike: East shore of Tellico from Lotterdale branch to Coytee 8.4 miles. Short hike to Stinging Creek 4.4 miles. Both long or short are easy to moderate miles with shuttle. WARNING LOTS OF POISON IVY. OPTION TO EAT AT LOCAL RESTAURANT. Carpool cost is $7. Sturdy hiking boots and hiking sticks are recommended. Bring lunch, snacks, (electrolytes) water, bug spray and sunscreen. Persons 18 and over, members and non-members welcome. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Depart 7:30 AM CDST from the southwest parking lot of Landers Crossing (former OutletMall). For additional information contact the hike coordinator, Beth, text/call 928-782-5564 .