Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Trailhead address: 120 Fort Donelson Road, Dover, TN 37058. Carpooling: 7:00 AM at Tollgate Medical Plaza Parking lot (1106 Elliston Way, Thompson Station, TN 37179)
Hike duration: Four miles. We will be hiking under a forest canopy for most of the hike, up and down hills, along the Cumberland River learning about the battle that took place at this location with the signage along the way. The Union Army and Navy defeated the Confederate Army in this battle. Union General Ulysses Grant accepted the surrender of Confederate General Simon Buckner at the end of the battle.
After the hike we will have lunch. After lunch we will visit the National Cemetery and the Dover Hotel where the surrender took place. Both places have museums. Pets are allowed if they are on a leash. Pets are not allowed in any park buildings. There are portable toilets outside of the visitor center, along the trail and at convenience stores in Dover.
Please contact Chris Hoffman if you intend to join this hike. Let Chris know if you will meet at the trailhead or carpooling site.