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Lula Lake Land Trust


April 1 @ 8:30 am 2:00 pm

Tuesday, April 1 — Lula Lake Land Trust (LLLT) near Chattanooga: The Classic Loop, 4.5 miles, 700’ el. gain, moderate. We will have the place to ourselves because we have special permission to enter on a weekday. (You need not feel obliged to make a donation because one of our members is a donor, although of course LLLT always appreciates donations.) At the gate to LLLT, we will be met by Daniel Roberts of LLLT. He will let us in and talk to us for a few minutes about LLLT, then let us loose to enjoy our hike. We will head down the gravel road and follow it across its bridge just above beautiful Lula Lake (well, pond). After lingering at the lake, we’ll continue downstream toward the entrance trail to Lula Falls, which is past an overlook and the exit trail (very steep). The entrance trail descends to the base of this spectacular 120’ waterfall. To get back up, we will have the choice of using the steep exit trail or the tamer trail we descended. At the top, we’ll take a right and retrace our steps a short way and turn left up a gravel road. This takes us up to the Bluff Trail, where we’ll gawk at a fine view of northeast Georgia and Chattanooga. Eventually we will head downhill on the Middle Trail for 1.1 miles until it ends at a footbridge. Cross the footbridge and get up to the gravel road we used to start our hike. Take a left to continue half a mile up to the parking lot where we began.    

Check the weather forecast within a day of the hike, as earlier forecasts can change dramatically. Choose appropriate layers; wear hiking shoes or boots; bring snacks and/or lunch along with more water than you think you need; use insect repellent, hiking poles, sunscreen, and rain jacket as needed.

Carpooling is required. Please meet at 8:30 am ET at Food City in St. Elmo, in the area of the parking lot straight ahead off TN Ave. https://bit.ly/3C3Um9L In addition to the TTA liability form, everyone must sign a similar form for  LLLT.  Register with the hike leader (required for all Scenic City hikes): Julie Roberts, (305) 338-9450 or joggerjulie@bellsouth.net. Carpool: $2.00.

Julie Roberts

(305) 338-9450

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