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Norris Dam – River Bluff Trail


March 30, 2024 @ 9:00 am 5:00 pm

Hike River Bluff Trail – Norris Dam, We will park at the trailhead on Dabney Road and hike the lower section of the trail along Norris River, less than two miles each way. The walk along the river is relatively flat. Where we will turn around the trail goes up the bluff to make a loop. Some may want to walk the loop. The total distance, about 3 miles, is about the same either way. The hike difficulty is rated as easy to moderate . We recommend shoes to wear to and from the hike plus sturdy hiking shoes, other appropriate clothing, a snack, something to drink and a camera.

We will meet at Ingles Market, 215 Cedar Lane in North Knoxville, leaving at 9:15 am. You may meet us at the southeast end of the Wal-Mart parking lot at the I-75 / State 61 intersection near Norris, leaving there at 9:45 am, arriving at the trailhead parking about 10 am. Round trip distance from Ingles, 44 miles and from Wal-Mart, 8 miles.

If you want to meet us at the trailhead take I-75N to exit 122; turn right on TN-61; about 1.4 miles turn left on to US 441 and proceed across the dam; turn left on to Dabney Road, the first road on the left after the second hair-pin turn, staying left, going downhill, to the parking area.
After the hike plan on stopping on the way back for a meal and refreshments. For specific information about the hike please call Tom at 865-588-5622, leave a message or send an email to cressler@retiree.utK.edu

Tom Cressler

(865) 588-5622

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