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Winding Stairs Park – Lafayette, TN


June 22, 2024 @ 8:00 am

Enjoy a hike through this beautiful park featuring cascades, waterfalls, and springs–a popular spot during the summer months to cool off and get some fresh air.  An enjoyable trail all year to view spring flowers and fall changes.  There is a trail loop and easy overlook viewing areas.  The many trails in this park are well-marked and challenging enough for an adventurous hike or choose an easier stroll.

The Winding Stairs Nature Trails offer hiking trails down to the waterfall and a pavilion with picnic area and restrooms.  The park is engulfed in lush greenery and dense tall trees that make you feel much closer to nature. As you walk through the woods, you will come across lovely, rare wildflowers. The park has small streams and waterfalls flowing through it that balance the biodiversity of the place. The small waterfalls make for a beautiful sight to behold. A good place to get your heart pumping faster, lace up your hiking boots and head towards this park.  Some of the plants are identified.  It is a moderate hike, but you can stay on the top level and view it for an easier walk.

Hike Leader: Chris Hoffman – chrishoffman51@gmail.com. Contact him and let him know whether you will meet him at the Park (655 Nature Trl Wy, Lafayette, TN) or at Tollgate Medical Plaza (1106 Elliston Way, Thompson’s Station, TN). If you meet at Tollgate, please be there before 6:00 a.m.

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