Fiery Gizzard Trail to Ravens Point

South Cumberland SP, Fiery Gizzard Trail out and back to Ravens Pointvia the Dog Hole Trail, 10.6 total miles, difficult. The whole trail is on natural turf in the woods. You will see large rock formations, beautiful creeks, waterfalls, and spectacular views. The first 2 miles or so are strenuous. Trekking poles and hiking shoes […]

Monthly Chapter Meeting; Meet

Monthly Chapter Meeting. Meet 6:00 PM CDT, at Wade Bourne Nature Center, 2308 Rotary Park Dr, Clarksville. Two volunteers will provide snacks for everyone. Bring your own drinks. Contact Paula Sanders 954-993-5541 or Suva Bastin 931-645-2849.

Rotary Park. Pick up Litter

National Public Lands Day. Rotary Park. Pick up Litter. Bring a garbage bag. Meet 8 a.m. CDT at the Amphitheater Parking Lot off E Old Ashland City Road.Contact Steve Turner 931-220-0927.

Beaman Park

Beaman Park, east section of Laurel Woods Trail, 7.5 miles, difficult due to length and elevation changes. The trail is well constructed in pretty woods on natural turf. There is a good view of the Nashville skyline. Dogs are welcome if on a leash. Meet 8:00 A.M. CT, Madison Street Food Lion parking lot. ∼32 […]

Wednesday. Clarksville Greenway from Marys Oak Drive to Pollard Road

Wednesday. Clarksville Greenway from Marys Oak Drive Trail Head, out and back, to Pollard Road Trail Head, 4.0 total miles, easy. The trail is paved and follows an abandon railroad right-of-way. You pass through pretty woods and some interesting rock formations. Dogs are welcome but must be on a leash. There is a restroom at […]

Lake Barkley SP Wilderness Trail

Lake Barkley SP Wilderness Trail, out and back, 4.9 total miles, moderate. There is a rest room near the trail head. Ninety percent of the trail is on natural turf through the woods, the remainder is along a paved road. Trekking poles are recommended. Dogs are permitted if on a leash. Meet 8 a.m. CT, […]

Annual Bonfire

Annual Bonfire. Meet 4 p.m. CT at Rotary Park Amphitheater. The entrance to the Amphitheater is on E. Old Ashland City Road. We will hike ∼2 miles, moderate, and eat after the hike. Bring a covered dish. Drinks, cups, plates, etc. furnished; Contact: Ed Oliver 931-561-9946.

Wednesday Fort Defiance

Wednesday McGregor Park Cumberland Riverwalk Pavilion, out and back, to Ft. Defiance, 2.7 total miles, easy. We can eat lunch after the hike at Wendy’s; The whole hike is paved. We walk along both the Cumberland and Red Rivers, cross the Red River on a highway sidewalk and hike up switchbacks through the woods to […]

LBL Hematite and Honker Lakes

LBL, Hematite Lake Trail 2.2 miles, Honker Lake Trail 4.3 miles, moderate. Hematite Lake Trail circles the 83.6 acre Hematite Lake. The lake was named for iron ore that was once mined here. The trail is in a woods with large trees. You may see cranes, beavers, frogs, squirrels and turtles. Honker Lake Trail circles […]

Rotary Park, Clarksville

Rotary Park, Clarksville, 3.5 or 5.25 mile loop, moderate. You have the opportunity to exit after 3.5 miles. Most of the trail is on natural turf in the woods. It is curvy with many short ups and downs. You follow pretty Wall Creek part of the way. There is a creek crossing that is hard […]

Monthly Chapter Meeting

Monthly Chapter Meeting. Meet 6 p.m.. CT, at Wade Bourne Nature Center, 2308 Rotary Park Drive, Clarksville. Two volunteers will provide snacks for everyone. Bring your own drinks. Contact Paula Sanders 954-993-5541 or Suva Bastin 931-645-2849.

Paul Schwab Memorial Hike

Saturday, December 2 - Dunbar Cave – Paul Schwab Memorial Hike 2 miles, easy. Hike in Honor of Paul Schwab. Circular Hike through Dunbar Cave State Park, some inclines. Hike Commences at 8:00 A.M. at Dunbar Cave. Hike Leader - Cinde Jones 870-215-8993

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