Johnsonville/ Nathan Bedford Forrest State Parks

Susan Woods will lead us on a morning hike at Johnsonville for a 3 mile hike. We will meet at the park's visitor center at 9:30. After this hike we can stop at the Cafe in Camden for lunch or you can bring your own and eat at one of the picnic area. We will […]

Annual Picnic and Hike

We will meet at the parking lot of old Pecan Tree at 9:30 with the hike beginning at 10:00 am. We will hike the Pecan Tree/ Maple Lake Trail. It is approximately 5.8 miles. We will stop for a snack/lunch mid-way. After the hike, we will drive to Terry's house about 15 minutes away. The […]

Walls of Jerico near Winchester

We start at the TN/ Alabama state line. We will meet on the Alabama end of the trail at 10 am. It's about 3 hours from Jackson. The hike is appr. 6 miles - 3 miles down hike and a strenuous 3 miles back up. Dress according to the weather conditions. Bring water, snacks, lunch, […]

Cane Creek Canyon

Cane Creek Canyon Preserve, Tuscumbia, AL - 8 mile loop, moderate If you are interested in paleontology and geology of the southeartern US, this is a hike for you. In addition to exploring the Canyon near beginning of the hike, we will take in the spectacular overlooks, several water fall sites, and the under bluff […]

Big Hill Pond

Joint hike with Memphis chapter. See their description for hike details. Contact Terry Warren 731-535-0625 for details about carpooling.

Monthly Meeting

The Jackson Chapter's monthly meeting will be at Mulligan's Restaurant/Bar located on Union University Drive in Jackson at 6:00 p.m. Eating is encouraged as they do not charge us for using their dining room. You may arrive a few minutes before 6 to start ordering food. Please contact Terry Warren 731-535-0625 for more information.

Jackson Chapter Monthly Meeting

Monthly meeting at Mulligan's on Union University Drive in Jackson. Meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. You may arrive few minutes early to order meals. Contact Terry Warren at 731-535-0625 for additional details.

Big Hill Pond

Howard Ropp will lead this hike along the edges of Big Hill Pond as well as meandering thru the woods & visiting the ever popular fire tower. Meet in the parking lot near the trailhead at 9:30 a.m. Hike is rated moderate due to length and elevation changes. Hiking boots & poles are recommended. Please […]

Fort Pillow State Park

Joint hike with Memphis. See Memphis section for description of the hike. Meet at Panera Bread in Jackson at 7:30 & leave at 7:45 a.m. or meet at the trailhead at 9:15 a.m. (near visitors center). Please be prompt on arrival times as the Memphis chapter starts hikes promptly at designated time. For hike, register […]

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