New Ravenwood Park

Ravenwood Park, Nashville, TN.  4 miles.  Easy.  Come see the newly opened Ravenwood Park. Meet near the swing sets in the playground at the top of the hill in Ravenwood Park. Starting at 9 am. We will explore the park from the crest of the hill and walk to the river.  About 4 miles.   This park is […]

Nashville Urban Hike

Nashville Urban Hike, Nashville, TN.  4-5 miles.  Easy.  Meet at War Memorial Plaza, in the courtyard by the statue, at 8:30 am.   We will walk up to Rutledge Hill and back, seeing many fascinating parts of downtown up close, including the Cumberland River, lower Broadway, the rebuilding of 2nd Avenue North and more.  Call hike […]

Nashville Urban Hike

Saturday, October 28 – Nashville Urban Hike, Nashville, TN.  Approx. 5 miles.  Easy.  Hike begins at 9 am.We will meet at the north end of Bicentennial Mall, in the circle of carillon bells.  Free parking is available between Farmers Market and TN State Museum. Our walk begins along the edge of the park chronicling the […]

Nashville Urban Hike

Nashville Urban hike, Nashville, TN.  Easy.  A "river theme” hike commemorating Veteran's Day. We will meet at 9:00 am in the War Memorial Building courtyard.  To begin our hike we will review the WW1 , WW2, Korean War, Vietnam War, and Gulf War memorials on display.  After circling the state capitol with its panoramic views, we walk to the Metro Court building […]

Nashville Urban History Hike

Nashville urban hike with a history theme, Nashville, TN. 6-8 miles. Easy to Moderate. Meet just before 9 am at the north end of Bicentennial Mall. Free parking is available near the TN State Museum and the Farmer’s Market. Our start point is at the circle of carillon bells (close to Jefferson Street, north end […]

Nashville Urban Hike

Saturday July 6, 2024 – Nashville Urban Hike, Nashville, TN.  We will attempt to outpace the rising sun and heat of mid-day by starting at 8:30 am – meeting at the carillon bells at north end of Bicentennial Mall.  A bit of an Independence Day theme be woven into the hike.   Free parking available at […]

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