Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Joint hike with Upper Cumberland Chapter. SHORT HIKE: 4-5 mile in/out hike to Morgan Overlook. The trail is difficult due to the elevation change and lots of rock steps. From the trailhead, the trail proceeds down “a thousand steps” through Daddy’s Creek gorge under sheer bluffs. After a mile, the trail rises out of the canyon and remains on the top of the bluff. There are a couple of overlooks that provide a view of the gorge before the trail goes back down into the gorge on the way to the junction of Daddy’s Creek and the Obed River. LONG HIKE: Devils Breakfast Table to Turkey Creek is a thru hike of 7 strenuous and difficult miles into the Daddy’s Creek Gorge. There is a 1 mile car shuttle. Wear orange and good hiking shoes or boots. Depart 8 am from the NW parking lot at the intersection of Peavine Road and Stonehenge Drive in the Fairfield Glade Community. Bring (electrolytes) water, snacks and lunch. Don’t forget tick/bug spray and sunscreen. Persons 18 and over, members and non-members welcome. Minors must be accompanied by an adult. Gas cost is $3. For additional information contact the hike leader, Deb, email or text/call 931-267-2243.