Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Monday, March 17, 7:00 pm at the DW Wilson Community Center, 501 N. Collins Street, Tullahoma.
This is a joint meeting with our Highland Rim Chapter of TTA and the Friends of Short Springs (FOSS). This meeting serves as the annual FOSS 2025 Membership Drive with a brief business item to vote on 2025 officers.
As we eagerly anticipate our hikes among spring wildflowers, our timely featured speaker will be Dr. Jon Evans, a Professor of Biology and Director of the Sewanee Herbarium. Dr. Evans will present a program on the spring wildflower Phacelia, including the recent discovery and documentation of a new species of this wildflower found in our area.
Before the meeting, at 5:30 pm, we will gather for dinner at La Fiesta Bar & Grill, 1410 N. Jackson Street, Tullahoma next to the Quality Inn. Please contact Highland Rim Chapter Chair Patty Deen if you plan to attend dinner so I can confirm the number for our reservation. Contact Patty at or 760-703-8115 for more information.