March 29 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, March 29 — Cloudland Canyon State Park with two options, Trenton GA. LONGER HIKE: Sitton’s Gulch, Waterfalls Trail, and West Rim Trail, 8 miles or so, 1300’ el. gain, strenuous. Shuttle involved. A well-maintained trail with lots of wildflowers, three spectacular waterfalls, a rushing whitewater creek, looming cliffs, and lots of views. What more could you ask for? SHORTER HIKE: Sitton’s Gulch, around 4 miles or so depending on how many waterfalls you want to see, out and back, easy to moderate. Gobs of wildflowers!
Check the weather forecast within a day of the hike, as earlier forecasts can change dramatically. Choose appropriate layers; wear hiking shoes or boots; bring snacks and lunch along with more water than you think you need; and gather up hiking poles, rain jacket, sunscreen, and insect repellent as needed.
For carpooling/caravanning, meet at 8:30 am ET at the parking lot on the left just after LaQuinta Inn, which is right (north) off I-24 Exit 175. Register with the hike leader (required for all Scenic City hikes): Tom McElhone, 805-208-4654 or Carpool cost: $8.00.