Winding Stairs Nature Trail
Winding Stairs Nature Trail 655 Nature Trail Way, Lafayette, TN 37083. 3.6 miles rated Moderate. We will hike the Red Oak to Milk Pail loop. There are several small waterfalls […]
Promoting the development and enjoyment of Tennessee trails.
Winding Stairs Nature Trail 655 Nature Trail Way, Lafayette, TN 37083. 3.6 miles rated Moderate. We will hike the Red Oak to Milk Pail loop. There are several small waterfalls […]
Tuesday, February 11 — Greenway Farms in Hixson, near Chattanooga, 4.7 miles, easy. We will combine the paved and graveled main path with the meadow trail that borders North Chickamauga Creek. […]
Tuesday, February 11 – Chapter Meeting – 7:00 pm. Barfield Crescent Park Wilderness Station. Chapter member Joe Campbell will share his adventure hiking the Camino Frances, St. Jean Pied de […]
Wednesdays - Radnor Lake Standing Hike - 7 AM Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville TN. 5 miles. Moderate. Meet at the Visitor Center, West Parking Lot off Granny White, 1160 […]
Wednesday, February 12th - Rock Island State Park and Burgess FallsWe will travel to Rock Island State Park. The short hikes will include the Downstream Trail (1.7 miles moderate) consisting […]
Thursday, February 13 – Virgin Falls State Natural Area. 2080 Scotts Gulf Road. Sparta. 9.0 miles rated strenuous. Multi chapter hike with Highland Rim and Nashville. The trail descends around […]
Thursday, February 13 – Virgin Falls State Natural Area. 2080 Scotts Gulf Road, Sparta. 9.0 miles round trip rated strenuous. Joint hike with Nashville and Murfreesboro Chapters. The trail descends […]
TTA Plateau Chapter Meeting, Crossville, TN. 6pm at First Methodist Church Annex, 69 Neecham St, Crossville, TN. Please be in your seat by the 6pm start time.
The hike will be approximately 5.75 miles and take between 2 1/2 and 3 hours. The terrain is relatively flat with a few steep ravine crossings. Bring water and a […]
Saturday, February 15 - Moccasin Creek Section of the Cumberland Trail. Near Spring City. 8.0 miles rated strenuous. This will be an out and back on the south end of […]
Saturday February 15 – Long Hunter State Park, Couchville Lake + Byrant Grove Couchville Lake Loop 2.2 Miles, Easy + 3 Miles of Byrant Grove Trail, Moderate We will hike […]
Saturday, February 15 — Board Camp Creek portion of the Cumberland trail, about 8 miles, moderate to strenuous. This involves a relatively short shuttle between Heiss Mountain trailhead and Soddy Gulf trailhead. […]