Lucius Burch Natural Area – North

The hike will be approximately 5.75 miles and take between 2 1/2 and 3 hours. The terrain is relatively flat with a few steep ravine crossings. Bring water and a […]

Walk in the Woods Centennial Park

Distance: 1.1 miles. Rating: Easy This trail is great for road biking, running, and walking, and it's unlikely you'll encounter many other people while exploring. This trail is paved and […]

Bear Paw Loop

Tuesday, February 18 -- Bear Paw Loop and part of the Chestnut Mountain loop, starting at the location of the burned-down Ocoee Whitewater Center, 5 miles, easy to moderate with […]

Chapter Meeting

Tuesday February 20 – Chapter Meeting, Rotary Park Meet at 6:30pm CT at the Wade Bourne Nature Center, Rotary Park, Clarksville.

Weekly Radnor Lake Hike

Radnor Lake State Park 1160 Otter Creek Road, Nashville, Tennessee, United States

Wednesdays - Radnor Lake Standing Hike - 7 AM Radnor Lake State Park, Nashville TN. 5 miles. Moderate. Meet at the Visitor Center, West Parking Lot off Granny White, 1160 […]

Tims Ford Hike

Thursday, February 20 - 9 AM Central – Ray Branch Shoreline Trail and Evans Loop, Tim’s Ford State Park, Winchester, TN.  9 miles, 728 feet in elevation changes rated moderate […]

Stones River Greenway / Ravenwood

Stones River Greenway 2320 2 Rivers Pkwy, Nashville

Donelson / Hermitage 8-9 miles. Moderately strenuous for length. We’ll meet at Wave Country in Two Rivers Park and shuttle to the Kohl’s trailhead. We’ll explore the relatively new Ravenwood […]

Hendersonville Indian Lake Greenway

Hendersonville Indian Lake Greenway. 3 Miles. Easy.  We will meet at the Hendersonville Library parking lot trailhead 140 Saundersville Rd at 10am. We will walk west from the library on […]

Long Hunter SP

Saturday February 15 – Long Hunter State Park, Couchville Lake + Byrant Grove Couchville Lake Loop 2.2 Miles, Easy + 3 Miles of Byrant Grove Trail, Moderate We will hike […]

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